Dragon Ball XenoVerse Wiki


There are only seven transformation skills in Xenoverse available to our custom characters, those being the varieties of Super Saiyan & Kaioken. Regardless, here is what each of them do.

Super Saiyan Super Saiyan 2 Super Vegeta Super Vegeta 2
+2% to all Melee +5% to all Melee +3% to all Ki Blasts +5% to all Ki Blasts
+1% to all Ki Blasts +2% to all Ki Blasts +1% to all Melee +2% to all Melee
+10% Damage Reduction +10% Damage Reduction +10% Ki Damage Reduction +10% Ki Damage Reduction
+10% Overall Speed +15% Overall Speed +10% Overall Speed +15% Overall Speed
- 0.15 kbps. - 0.18 kbps. - 0.15 kbps. - 0.18 bars kbps.

Kaioken Kaioken x3 Kaioken x20
+10% to all attacks +15% to all attacks +15% to all attacks
+15% to Ground/Air Speed +20% to Ground/Air Speed +25% to Ground/Air Speed
+10% to Dash/Step Dash Speed +15% to Dash/Step Dash Speed +20% to Dash/Step Dash Speed
- 0.09 sbps - 0.15 sbps - 0.30 sbps
N/A Stamina can be used for free.

(kbps = Ki Bars Per Second / sbps = Stamina Bars Per Second)
